Aims and Scope

  Aims and Scope

The journal of Sciences and Techniques of Information Management (STIM) is an open-access peer-reviewed quarterly journal in Persian including extended English abstracts and bibliographies established by the University of Qom in 2016 and is scientifically sponsored by the Iranian Scientific Association of Information Management (ISAIM). The journal of Sciences and Techniques of Information Management (STIM), as a cross-disciplinary and refereed journal, focuses on the research process in information management and knowledge management as well as research findings and, where applicable, their practical applications and significance. The target audience of the journal includes information and knowledge managers, librarians, information scientists, specialists, managers, and educators. The journal aims to publish research and review papers on the most recent issues and developments in the field of knowledge and information management. All papers are subject to a double-blind reviewing process.

  The aim and scope of the  journal of Sciences and Techniques of Information Management include the following:

Subset of topics


Main areas


Theories of data management and information management

The evolution of information and knowledge management

Information management systems

Processing and decision-making systems

Organizational tools: ontology, taxonomy

Cost - usefulness of information systems

New information management technologies



 Information management


Knowledge management theories

Knowledge management implementation experiences

Revision of knowledge management models

Approaches, standards, and techniques of knowledge organization

Systems and systems for knowledge dissemination and development

Approaches to applying and creating knowledge 




Knowledge management


Theories of information organization

Data mining and data processing

Save and recover data

 Data and information governance

Value creation of data and information




Organize and analyze information


IT management

Evaluation and evaluation of technologies

Implementation and application of technologies

Development and evolution of technologies

Transfer and exchange of technologies



Information management technologies