Personal information management of post graduate students of Institute for Higher Education ACECR, Khouzestan in personal electronic information collection based on the Jones Model

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Knowledge and information science, University Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran. Professor Assistant


Purpose: The purpose of the present research is to investigate into the personal information management (PIM) status of post graduate students of Institute for Higher Education ACECR, Khuzestan in their electronic collections based on the three aspects of knowledge, attitude, and seven PIM activities i based on Jones Model.
Methodology: This research has been done in a geodesic and descriptive-analytic method. The statistical population was post graduate students of Institute for Higher Education ACECR, Khuzestan in the year 2017 – 2018, and for determining statistical population the census method was used, and for gathering information the adjacent questionnaire (2013) was used. For data analysis, independent t test, one way variance test and SPSS 22 software were used.
Findings: The results showed that from the effective factors on personal information management, attitude with the average 4/18, knowledge with the average 3/54 and for variety of seventh personal information activities management has an average of 3/29. And the average of the whole personal information management was equal with 3/67. And is in a desired level. With respect to gender and age there were significant difference in personal information management between post graduate students but with respect to course study there weren’t any significant difference.
Conclusion: The average of 3/67 showed that the condition of personal information management of post graduate students in Institute for Higher Education ACECR of Khouzestan is in a desired level, that some workshops of students skills can be held for the better recognition of goals, application, utilities,


Main Subjects

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