Identification and Analysis of Barriers in Knowledge Commercialization in Information Science and Knowledge Studies from the Viewpoints of Faculty Members and Doctoral Students

Document Type : Original Article


1 MA.student,Shahid Chamran University Ahvaz, Ahvaz,Iran.

2 Associate Professor, department Knowledge, and information science at Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Chamran University Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran.


Purpose: the current study aimed to identify and analyze the barriers existed in knowledge commercialization in the field of Information Science and Knowledge Studies and to measure their importance as well.
Methodology: this study was an applied-theoretical one conducted by documentary analytic and survey method. The study population consisted of faculty members and doctoral students in Information Science and Knowledge Studies in main universities namely University of Tehran, Kharazmi University, Al-Zahra University, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Shiraz university, University of Esfahan and Shahid Chamran University studying in academic year 2016-2017. To analyze the data gathered, some descriptive statistics like mean and standard deviation and some inferential statistics like T single-sample and independent t-test were used.
Findings: next to an extensive review, a set of 40 barriers for knowledge commercialization were identified and classified into 7 main dimensions. Among the barriers identified, the most important ones were identified as individual factors, supportive infrastructure factors, and legal-organizational factors.
Conclusion: The commercialization of research findings provides this opportunity for professionals in Information Science and Knowledge Studies to distance it from a theoretical setting, to change ideas and knowledge into property, services and commodity, to play a crucial role in the real environment of the society and finally to find the concrete mode.


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