Designing a Green Knowledge Deployment and Implementation Model with an Integrated Approach to Interpretive Structural Modeling and Structural Equation Modeling

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD. Industrial Management, Faculty of Economics, Management and Accounting, University of Yazd, Yazd, Iran

2 PhD. Student, College of Economics, Management and Accounting, University of Yazd, Yazd, Iran.


Purpose: Today, attention to environmental issues by various organizations can affect the life and longevity of an organization and its performance. The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors affecting the establishment of a green knowledge system within organizations so that they can use it to move towards the proper production and implementation of green knowledge.
Methodology: This research is applied in terms of purpose, and in terms of data collection it is descriptive and it has been done in a survey. The research population consists of 230 specialists, experts and employees of electricity distribution in three provinces of Yazd, Isfahan and Fars. This study first identifies the factors affecting the establishment and implementation of green knowledge within organizations. Then, using interpretive structural modeling technique, the factors identified in the previous section are structured. Then, in order to fit the model, the structural equation modeling technique and SmartPLS3 software are used.
Findings: The results of the study indicate the placement of 7 effective factors identified in three general levels. The research findings have also identified the green organizational culture factor as the initial factor in establishing a green knowledge system. Other results of this study refer to the outputs of green knowledge production and green innovation as the output of the model. The structured model fitted in this study was approved by 0.77 in the goodness of fit index of the model. In this study, a total of 12 hypotheses were tested at different levels of the structural model obtained and all hypotheses show a positive and significant correlation between the research dimensions.
Conclusion: The results of this study can provide the basis for organizations to move towards green knowledge. So that by using it, different organizations can design an appropriate access structure to access green knowledge. The results of this study show that green learning focuses on green innovation and green knowledge production. On this basis, it is recommended to the managers of power distribution companies to improve the attitude of green learning by addressing the culture of environmental knowledge and creating sufficient interest among employees and even customers in the field of green knowledge. Other researchers interested in this field can use different techniques such as system dynamics and fuzzy cognitive maps to design scenario paths in order to measure the types and kinds of changes generated on identified factors.


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