"Moment-consciousness" Intelligence and the Ability of the Mind to Manage Information and its Manifestations for Organizational Settings

Editor-in-Chief Lecture


Professor, Knowledge and Information Science Department, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.


Information processing procedures in the mind are complex processes that are carried out through a set of neural reactions, retrospective analysis, perceptions of the present and future-oriented creativities. From the entry of input in the form of various stimuli into the realm of the human thought system to a reaction in the form of a decision, behavior, or movement, highly complex processes occur in the human mind by the cognitive system. These operations and interactions have been articulated by interdisciplinary research in the fields of education, psychology, behavioral sciences, neuroscience, information science, epistemology, logic, and so on. Each of these fields of study has looked at this process from a different perspective and eventually, different theories have been formulated. The output of the cognitive system is extremely important as a behavioral artifact. “Moment- consciousness” as a connecting act accelerates the output of the system and affects its outcome and impact. This phenomenon relates to the degree to which the intelligent human agent or semi-intelligent machine concludes the moment that a decision is made. The quality of moment-consciousness often determines the nature of subsequent decisions and actions. A person's decisions and actions as a family member, citizen, or manager are influenced by his or her moment-consciousness. In this note, the concept of moment-consciousness is explained and mechanisms to strengthen and improve this competency are articulated. Subsequent research on this concept may enhance information management capabilities at the individual and organizational levels.


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