Application of data Foundation Method in Identifying the Pattern of causal Factors of Internet of things Usability in Libraries

Document Type : Original Article


1 employ

2 Department of Information Knowledge and Science, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran

3 Assistant Prof. Department of Information Knowledge and Science, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran


Objective: IOT with intelligence of library activities leads to information of manegment and development of services in libraries. The aim of this study was to determine the causal factors of IOT in libraries and provide a qualitative pattern whit grounded theory.
Methodology: The present study was conducted with a qualitative approach. Information was collected interview with 13 faculty members of the of Information Knowledge and Science universities of the country by snowball method. The data were analyzed by open, axial, selective, and paradigm content interpretation. To measure the validity, the responsive method and the reliability of the two encoding have been used.
Results: The findings are 29 causal categories that are classified into eight categories: intelligence, communication and interaction, automation, guidance and training, expertise and skills, infrastructure and equipment, security and motivation. In the extracted model, the main phenomenon is the usability of the IOT of Things in libraries.
Conclusion: showed that the model provided by the causal factors of IoT usability can be roadmap for libraries that seek to use the IoT to provide new services.
The results of this research are useful and effective in improving the quality level of libraries and facilitating interaction between users and libraries.
