The Role of Digital Skills in Promoting Online Privacy Literacy of Undergraduate Students at Razi University

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD. Student, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.


Purpose: In the age of the internet and with students' growing reliance on this interactive medium, coupled with the rise in cybercrimes that infringe upon individuals' privacy, online privacy literacy can serve as a crucial tool in mitigating such harms online. Several factors can contribute to enhancing this literacy. This study seeks to investigate the impact of digital skills on enhancing online privacy literacy among undergraduate students at Razi University in Kermanshah.
Method: The present research is of an applied type and was conducted using a survey method
The statistical population includes 7774 undergraduate students of Razi University in Kermanshah in 2018-2019. The sample size was determined to be 366 people using Morgan's table through a stratified random sampling method. Researcher-developed online privacy literacy and digital skills questionnaires were utilized to collect data. The validity and reliability of the questionnaires were confirmed through content validity methods and Cronbach's alpha coefficient, respectively. Additionally, descriptive and inferential statistics were employed to analyze the findings using SPSS software version 24.
Findings: The results showed that the online privacy literacy level of undergraduate students is lower than average. However, the students' digital skills level is moderate. Additionally, based on data analysis, digital skills have an impact factor of 0.49 on knowledge of the performance of online service providers, 0.29 on knowledge of information protection laws, 0.51 on knowledge of technical aspects of online privacy, 0.51 on technical skills, 0.40 on social skills, and 0.61 on the overall online privacy literacy scale. The study concludes that as digital skills increase, online privacy literacy and all its components also improve.
Conclusion: Due to the effectiveness of digital skills in enhancing online privacy literacy to uphold privacy on the Internet, it is imperative to provide the essential training and implement measures to enhance students' digital skills. This will elevate their security levels while using the Internet, consequently reducing numerous privacy risks and challenges they may encounter.


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