The Role of Knowledge Management and Digital Literacy in Job Performance: The Variable Contribution of Organizational Learning

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD., Student in Educational Administration, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran

2 PhD,. Student in Educational Administration, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran.

3 Associate Professor, Educational administration, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran


Objectives: To succeed in any organization, it is obvious to pay attention to job performance. Various factors are effective in teachers' job performance. This study was conducted to investigate the causal relationship between knowledge management and digital literacy in job performance with the mediating role of organizational learning among secondary school teachers in Urmia.
Methods: The present study was applied in terms of purpose and nature, and descriptive-correlational in terms of data collection. The statistical population of the present study consisted of all teachers of secondary schools in Urmia with several 1123 people. The statistical sample was selected through the Krejcie and Morgan table and 285 people were selected through a simple random sampling method. Data were collected using Sherven Lawson's (2003) Knowledge Management Questionnaire, Tawhidiasl Digital Literacy Questionnaire (2012), Pham and Svirszek's Organizational Learning (2006), and Patterson's (1970) Job Performance Questionnaire. The validity of the questionnaires was evaluated by logical validity methods (formal and content) and was approved after the necessary corrections. The reliability of the questionnaires was calculated by Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the knowledge management questionnaire (0.87), digital literacy (0.93), organizational learning (0.93), and job performance (0.86). The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, and Pearson correlation coefficient) and inferential statistics (path analysis of structural equation model) using SPSS 24 and Lisrel 8.8 software.
Results: The results showed that there is a direct, positive, and significant relationship between the variables of knowledge management and job performance (ß=0.65), digital literacy and job performance (ß=0.42), knowledge management and organizational learning (ß=0.53), and digital literacy and organizational learning (ß=0.56). The results of the structural equation model show that the model proposed by researchers has a good fit and there is a positive and significant relationship between knowledge management and digital literacy with job performance with the mediating role of organizational learning among high school teachers in Urmia.
Conclusions: According to the results of the present study, knowledge management, digital literacy, and organizational learning have a significant effect on teachers' job performance. Any increase in knowledge management, digital literacy, and organizational learning will increase the job performance of teachers. Therefore, to achieve high job performance, it seems necessary to pay attention to knowledge management, digital literacy, and organizational learning. Teachers can ensure high job performance by paying more attention to knowledge management, digital literacy, and organizational learning.


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