Employee Digital Literacy Skills and its Relationship with their Empowerment (Case study: Allameh Tabatabai University staff)

Document Type : Original Article


PhD., Student in Information and Knowledge Management, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Objectives: Today, having digital literacy skills is one of the most important capabilities for employees to improve their work performance. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the digital literacy skills of employees in organizations and to evaluate factors that affected these skills. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the digital literacy of Allameh Tabatabai University staff in Tehran.
Methods: The present paper is an applied study which used the descriptive-survey method and is conducted using a questionnaire technique. The total statistical population of the study was 440 employees of Allameh Tabatabai University (Tehran) with BA and higher degrees. The sample of the study was calculated and decreased to 206 using Cochran’s formula. Questionnaires were distributed among the respondents using a simple random method, Spritzer (1995) standard psychological empowerment questionnaire was used to measure employee empowerment and a researcher-made questionnaire was used to measure digital literacy. Data analysis was performed using version 23 of SPSS software.
Results: The results of data analysis showed that the total average of the employee capability is equal to (86.3) which is at a high level, however, the average level of their digital literacy skills is equal to (53.3) which is at an average level. Respondents also had the highest level of empowerment in the components of significant feeling with an average of (80.4), and competency with an average of (49.4), but they were assumed in mid-level in the components of "the right to choose" with an average of (31.3), and "effectiveness" (Average=3.36). Fndings also showed that there was a significant relationship between digital literacy skills and employee empowerment (r=.278). Examining the correlation between “empowerment” components also showed that, except for the “sense of meaning component”, there is a significant relationship between other components of employee empowerment and digital literacy skills. “Competency” had the lowest correlation with “employees' digital literacy skills” (r=.187). The correlation of the “effector component” was also equal to 0.287.
Conclusions: The research findings indicate that the digital literacy skills of employees are not at an appropriate level. Also, considering the importance of the relationship between employees 'digital literacy skills and their psychological empowerment, it is necessary to improve employees' digital literacy skills.
In this regard, defining digital literacy programs in the in-service training of employees and holding training courses focused on document management and digital content are among the proposed solutions of the present study.


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