Search Query Formulation in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D., Student, Department of Knolwedge and Information Science, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Knolwedge and Information Science, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran


Purpose: This research aims to systematically review the studies conducted on the issue of search query formulation behavior in children and adolescents in order to identify the obstacles and search formulation solutions.
Methods: This research was conducted with a systematic review method based on the list presented in the research of Xu, Kang & Song (2015). For this purpose, studies in the field of query formulation in children and adolescents were identified in Persian databases and reliable English databases. Finally, 2 Persian and 45 English studies were selected to do the final review and answer the research questions.
Findings: The results showed that in the process of formulating the search query of children and teenagers, poor spelling, lack of typing skills, low domain knowledge, limited vocabulary, low cognitive ability, lack of skill in evaluating and selecting the retrieved results, relying on overview search, using natural language keywords, inability to use logical operators, weakness in re-formulating queries, low ability in complex tasks are the most important obstacles and problems faced by children and teenagers in formulating search queries. Designing a suitable user interface for children and teenagers by using visual and audio interfaces, spelling control tools, and query suggestions and teaching children and teenagers how to use the user interface and formulating search queries are presented as solutions to remove the obstacles in formulating search queries.
Conclusions: Considering the extensive studies that have been conducted in the field of search query formulation in children and adolescents worldwide, and considering the linguistic, cultural, and media literacy differences of Iranian children and adolescents, it is necessary to conduct these studies in Iran as well. It seems that before teaching the use of user interfaces and digital media literacy to this group, it is essential to know the query formulation behavior of Iranian children.


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