Metaverse, Metaversity, and the Future of Higher Education

Editor-in-Chief Lecture


Professor, Department of Information Science and Epistemology, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.



Metaverse as an ever-expanding virtual reality is creating tremendous changes in all social structures. On the one hand, it has provided unprecedented challenges for universities and higher education, on the other hand, it has presented unique opportunities for academic growth and excellence. The degree of success in facing the challenges and making maximum use of the available capabilities depends on the way higher education administrators encounter and adopt this virtual reality. In this article, parallel generational changes among citizens and universities are explained and the characteristics of each are briefly explained. Then, by focusing on the advancements facing the university systems, the concept of Metaversity as an emerging reality is delineated to provide a framework of action for the effective presence of universities in the metaverse environment. This article is considered a starting point that raises a discussion on the transformation of universities into virtual worlds and its reading is recommended for higher education managers.
