An approach to Applying the Concept of Visual Literacy in Education Using Bloom's Educational Objectives

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Student, School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor, School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran


Objectives: The present study aims to apply the concept of visual literacy in education, explaining its shortcomings, and presenting the taxonomy of skills and competencies provided for the concept of visual literacy based on Bloom's revised educational objectives taxonomy.
Methods: The present study is applied in terms of purpose and is descriptive-analytical in nature and method. Firstly, documentary information and research literature were first collected by the library method. Then, using logical reasoning, the most important list of visual literacy standards and skills was adapted to the classification of Bloom's educational goals. As a result, a new category of visual literacy skills was obtained.
Results: The literature review showed that the research development in the field of visual literacy could be defined in three consecutive periods, respectively: Attempting to define the concept, provide a theoretical framework and apply this concept at present time. Placement of the skills provided by institutions and researchers in the Bloom target classroom homes showed that in the table. In two homes, the qualifications and skills of the equation cannot be placed from visual literacy. The placement of the skills provided by institutions and researchers in Bloom’s revised taxonomy objectives table showed that the equivalent competence and skill of visual literacy cannot be placed in the two cells. For this purpose, to complete and present a comprehensive taxonomy of the objectives of visual literacy education, the skills of "applying visual categories and concepts" and "analysis and differentiation between visual information" were included in these two sections. Also, the adaptation showed that the focus of the skills provided for visual literacy is on more complex cognitive categories and more abstract levels of knowledge.
To provide a comprehensive and integrated taxonomy of visual literacy educational objectives, it is necessary to consider all cognitive categories and knowledge levels. Finally, considering what was stated above, a new taxonomy of visual literacy skills was presented that could be applied in any relevant and required area.
Conclusions: In this study, three consecutive periods in the course of visual literacy research were identified. Accordingly, since the current challenge in the area of visual literacy is its application, using Bloom's revised taxonomy educational objectives, visual literacy skills and standards based on "cognitive process" and "knowledge dimensions" were leveled and completed. The new taxonomy presented in this article divides the concept of visual literacy as an educational objective into sub-objectives that reduce the scope and ambiguity of the subject. Also, with the help of this taxonomy, it is possible to promote visual literacy in the form of various educational programs, both in general education and specialized education (such as architecture and graphics).


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