Presenting an Artificial Intelligence Intelligent Agent Model for Monitoring Consumer Behavioral Responses of Handbags and Shoes on the Blockchain Platform

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD. Student, Department of Business Administration, Emirates Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

2 Associate Professor, Department of Business Management, Firozabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Firozabad, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Business Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Purpose: The Artificial Intelligence Intelligent Agent for Consumer Behavioral Responses is a system that, based on acquired knowledge and experiences, recognizes the dominant behavioral style
of the consumer, identifies behavioral anomalies, examines behavioral models and dimensions of consumer behavioral responses, and can intelligently decide which behavioral model to use to have the maximum impact on consumer behaviors and habits to create value and increase the customer life cycle. In this regard, the present study aimed to present an Artificial Intelligence Intelligent Agent Model for Monitoring Consumer Behavioral Responses to Handbags and Shoes on the Blockchain Platform.
Method: The present study employs a qualitative approach, utilizing two systematic and data-driven review methods in combination. The statistical population for the data-driven method consisted of experts in business management, information management, and computer science. The sample size was determined to be 16 individuals, based on theoretical saturation, using purposive sampling. The data collection tool used in the systematic review method was library studies, while the data-based method employed semi-structured interviews with experts. The validation of this research was conducted based on the qualitative criteria established by Lincoln and Guba.
Findings: First, the systematic review method was employed to identify the antecedents and central phenomena of the pattern. A total of 361 articles were identified based on the research topic. After screening, 26 articles in Persian and English were selected for inclusion based on their relevance to the topic and content. Given that the existing literature and research background were not sufficiently comprehensive to complete the paradigmatic model, a data-driven approach was employed in the continuation of the research. This method aimed to identify intervening factors, contextual factors, strategies, and consequences of Grounded Theory method by utilizing expert opinions.
Conclusion: The present research led to the presentation of a new paradigm model with the title of an intelligent artificial intelligence operating system for monitoring the behavioral responses of bag and shoe consumers on the blockchain platform.


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