Completion of the Human Genome Project and a Great Opening for Knowledge Management

Editor-in-Chief Lecture


Professor, Tarbiat Modares University; Iran Research Institute for Information Science and Technology (IranDoc), Tehran, Iran


The year 2022 will come to an end while the expectation of many researchers interested in the human genome project has been successfully fulfilled and the human genome map has been completed this year. By determining the entire sequence of the human genome, it provides a more accurate and deeper understanding of the evolution and biology of a person. Knowledge as a determining factor in the development of societies is closely intertwined with the evolution and biology of individuals. With the completion of sequencing the human genome, there will be a significant progress in the understanding of knowledge and a serious improvement in the its processes of creation, absorption, dissemination and application. The answers to many questions related to the mechanisms of knowledge creation, the transfer of relevant characteristics from one generation to another, the differences in the dissemination and application of knowledge will be determined simultaneously with this important achievement. In this article, in addition to introducing the human genome project, the impact of the completion of this project on some fields related to knowledge has been analyzed. This article can be the beginning of extensive research efforts to exploit new genetic findings in the field of human genome in improving our understanding of knowledge as well as its application in applied fields of knowledge.


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