Providing a social network marketing model based on strategy Augmented Reality

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D., Student, Department of Business Administration, Emirates Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, Firozabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Firozabad, Iran.

3 Associate Professor, Department of Business Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


Purpose: Social network marketing based on augmented reality is the concept of integrating augmented reality technology in digital marketing, which by combining the real world with virtual images at the same time, helps customers to examine and test the various features of their desired product in the virtual space. from shopping and have a better understanding of their choice. By using augmented reality technology in social networks, companies can display their goals to promote and introduce the product or brand to customers in the best way, and customers will also be able to use their smartphones or tablets to view images. Simply watch the product or company brand logo in the form of 3D images, text or even video. The purpose of this research is to present a social network marketing model based on augmented reality strategy.

Methodology: The current research is a qualitative research method. In this research, two methods of systematic review and Grounded Theory were used in a combined manner. The statistical community in the Grounded Theory method were experts in the fields of business management, information management, and computers. The sample size of this population was determined by theoretical saturation of 16 people using a combination of purposeful and snowball sampling. Max Kyoda 20 software was used for data analysis. The data collection tool in the systematic review method of library studies and in the Grounded Theory method was in-depth semi-structured interviews with experts. Guba and Lincoln's qualitative measure of reliability and two quantitative measures, Cohen's kappa and Holstein's coefficient, were used to measure the validity and reliability of qualitative research.

Findings: Considering that the literature and background of the articles studied in the systematic research method did not have the necessary richness to complete the paradigm model, the Grounded Theory method was also used. A total of 312 articles were identified according to the topic of the research, after screening, 12 Persian articles in the time intervals between 2022 and 2023 and 20 English articles in 2023 were recognized as inclusive according to the subject and content according to the opinion of academic professors. Using the systematic research method, 24 variables (categories) were identified and further research was added to the paradigm model according to the opinion of experts. A total of 39 variables under the titles of antecedents (16 categories), central phenomenon (1 category), background factors (4 categories), intervening factors (4 categories), strategy (1 category) and consequences (13 categories) were identified and placed in the model. they got.

Conclusion: Social network marketing based on augmented reality is the concept of integrating augmented reality technology in digital marketing, which by combining the real world with virtual images at the same time, helps customers to examine and test the various features of their desired product in the virtual space before purchasing. place and have a better understanding of their choice. Marketing and advertising in social networks can immerse their audience in their products with the help of augmented reality technology. Augmented reality can create a memorable experience for the audience, which ultimately increases brand awareness, helps the user to choose a product, offers personalized and tailored to the user's needs, and ultimately accelerates the purchase process. By using augmented reality technology in social networks, companies can display their goals to promote and introduce the product or brand to customers in the best way, and customers will also be able to use their smartphones or tablets to view images. Simply look at the product or the company's brand logo in the form of 3D images, text or even watch the video. The obtained results led to the identification of 84 open codes, 39 core codes and 6 main selective codes. Finally, the current research proposed a new paradigm model called social network marketing model based on augmented reality strategy.


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