Developing a Structural Equation Model to Predict Health Knowledge of Users of the central Public library of Tehran Province Based on Sources of Health Information Acquisition and the Mediating Role of Coping Styles

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD., Student, Department of Medical Library and Information Science, Faculty of Medical Management and Information Science, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran.

2 PhD, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

3 PhD., Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Kharazmi University, Alborz, Iran


Purpose: Coping styles are considered as predictors of an individual's ability to obtain information related to health and personal care. More specifically, a person's coping style in accessing, accurately understanding, and utilizing health information sources significantly influences their knowledge and overall health status. The present study aimed to develop a structural equation model to predict the health knowledge of users at the Central Public Library of Tehran Province, based on health information sources and the mediating role of coping styles.
Method: The present study is applied in purpose and is of a survey type. The study population consists of users of the Central Public Library of Tehran Province. In accordance with the sample size determination in structural equation modeling methodology, the minimum sample size for this study was calculated to be 260. After confirming the validity of the "Health Knowledge" questionnaire with the input of five professors in information science and knowledge studies, its reliability was assessed through the participation of 30 individuals from the research community. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient was calculated to be 0.858. Out of 260 distributed questionnaires, 248 were returned
and utilized for data analysis. The data collection instruments included the Standard Coping Styles Questionnaire (Andler & Parker, 1994), the Standard Health Information Sources Questionnaire (Mousavi-Chalak & Riahi, 2017), and a researcher-developed Health Knowledge Questionnaire. SPSS software was employed to analyze the demographic characteristics of the research population and to present descriptive findings, while Smart PLS software and structural equation modeling were used to test the hypotheses.
Findings: The sources of health information acquisition of users of the Central Public Library of Tehran Province have a direct effect on their health knowledge. Therefore, the first hypothesis was approved. The coping styles of users of the Central Public Library of Tehran Province have a direct effect on their health knowledge, and thus the second hypothesis of the study was also confirmed. The main sources of health information for users of the Central Public Library of Tehran Province, in order of priority, are: doctors, nurses, and health professionals, visiting local health centers and clinics, free websites and electronic health resources, and electronic resources and books. In addition, the results showed that the participants in the study used the least to obtain health information from attending conferences and workshops, printed books, web-based social networks, and seeking help from librarians and information specialists.
Conclusion: According to the findings, doctors, nurses, and health professionals are the main sources of health information for users of the Central Public Library of Tehran Province. This indicates that users make informed decisions by consulting health professionals during crises and when the health of the community is at risk.
Given the geographical location of the Central Public Library of Tehran Province, which provides access to medical centers, and considering the educated community of library users in terms of their education and social status, it is reasonable to expect that they will seek assistance from health professionals to fulfill their health information needs. It is evident that, under such circumstances, the likelihood of utilizing librarians to access health information is minimal. Conducting a study similar to the present one in underserved areas underscores the significance of the library's geographic location in influencing users' engagement with health information resources. The findings of the current study can be utilized to enhance the health knowledge of public library users. By identifying the psychological characteristics of users and considering their coping styles and the most frequently used resources, we can provide adequate information through these resources and uncover the existing barriers that prevent users from accessing alternative sources of knowledge acquisition.


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