Pathology model of the service desk to improve the student information service system in the country's public universities,

Document Type : Original Article


1 University

2 Assistant Professor of Knowledge and Information Science Department Ruodehen University Islamic. Iran.

3 Department of Library & Information Science, Islamic Azad University- Tehran North Branch

4 Associate Professor at State Payam-e-Nour University



Purpose: This article presents the pathology model of the service desk to improve the student information service system in the country's public universities.

Method: In terms of the purpose of this article, it is an applied-developmental research that aims to provide a pathology model of the service desk to improve the student information service system in the country's public universities. From the point of view of the method of data collection, it is a non-experimental (descriptive) research that was conducted with a cross-sectional survey method. From the point of view of the type of data, it is a mixed research with a combination of qualitative-quantitative methods. The community of participants of the qualitative part includes managers of public universities in Tehran who have sufficient experience in the field of service desk. Sampling was done by theoretical sampling method and continued until reaching theoretical saturation. Based on this, 10 people participated in the qualitative part of the research. The statistical population of the quantitative part includes all students of public universities in Tehran. The sample size was estimated to be 384 people using Cochran's formula. Because the statistical population is homogeneous, a simple random method was used for sampling and it continued until reaching 384 people. To collect the research data, a semi-structured interview was used in the qualitative part and a researcher-made questionnaire was used in the quantitative part. Semi-structured interviews with experts have been used in this research. Finally, two methods were used to analyze the data. In the qualitative part, the psychological competencies of the managers of the country's public universities were identified and the causal relationships of these factors were explained using the grounded theory method. In the quantitative part, the validity of the research paradigm model was evaluated using the partial least squares method. Data analysis was done in the qualitative part with 20 MaxQDA software and in the quantitative part with 3Smart PLS software.

Findings: The community of participants of the qualitative part included 10 managers of Tehran public universities. In terms of gender, 9 people were male and 1 person was female. In terms of age, 1 person was less than 45 years old, 3 people were between 45 and 55 years old, and 6 people were over 55 years old. In terms of education, all university managers had a doctorate degree. Finally, in terms of work experience, 3 people had work experience between 15 and 20 years and 7 people had more than 20 years of work experience. Out of 384 people, a small part of the sample from the perspective of gender, 189 people (49%) were men and 195 people (51%) were women. In terms of educational level, 56 people (15%) were associate students, 144 people (38%) had bachelor's degrees, 104 people (27%) had master's degrees, and 80 people (21%) had doctorates. In terms of age, 132 people (34%) are less than 25 years old, 108 people (28%) are between 25 and 30 years old, 83 people (22%) are between 30 and 35 years old, and 61 people (16%) are 35 years old and older. they had.

There is a relationship between the components of using information and communication technologies, the structure of the service desk, and the culture of the service desk. Also, there is a relationship between the components of the service desk on human resources empowerment strategies. Finally, human resource empowerment strategies lead to the improvement of the student information service system.

Conclusion: A suitable service desk over time improves the student experience through transparent observation and reporting and creating an efficient work flow.

it leads In addition, by providing reliability and responsiveness to students, it also increases their trust and satisfaction with the university. Also, the rapid growth of scientific and technological developments has turned education into a very important tool that leads the human force in the direction of empowerment. Work creates the right conditions for the empowerment of people. Finally, service desk pathology with a critical view can help improve student information services in universities, and this requires the empowerment of human resources and the development of technological infrastructure in universities,


Main Subjects