Document Type : Original Article
Ph.D. in Information Science and Knowledge Studies, Master’s in Knowledge Management, Informatics Services Company. (Corresponding Author) Email: S_Ghavidel@ISC.CO.IR ORCID ID 0000-0002-3852-3398 Tel: 09211438937
Associate Professor Department of Information Management. Islamic World Science & Technology Monitoring and Citation Institute (ISC), Shiraz, Iran. Email: ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5481-3988
M.A. graduate in scientometrics, Iran Public Libraries Foundation, Zanjan, Iran. Email: ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2809-0445
Purpose: Science and technology diplomacy is regarded as a catalyst in elevating the status of countries across many domains and is considered a bridge between research and technological collaborations. Data and information governance play a role in policy-making processes, as well as the requirements and outcomes of these interactions, creating awareness and potentially leading to the guidance, control, and coordination of any action by countries, institutions, and experts to achieve individual or collective benefits. The intelligent management of vast data and policy-making in this regard, through analytical examination and review of international publications in the said domain, is significant for sovereignty and government. In the information age, scientific diplomacy and data governance can act not only as a driving force for sustainable development and international cooperation but also as a platform for the exchange of knowledge and technology, fostering profound transformations in global social and economic structures. The present research aims to conduct a study on the convergence of scientific diplomacy and data governance in science, technology, and innovation using conventional scientometric methods based on international data. The goal of this article is to explore scientometric research on the convergence of scientific diplomacy and data governance in the realm of science, technology, and innovation at an international level with an exploratory perspective.
Methodology: The current research, which has a practical aspect, has been conducted through the use of scientometric methods (such as co-citation, co-authorship, strategic diagram) and with an exploratory approach derived from the analysis of the strategic diagram. This exploratory perspective has been utilized as a tool for identifying new areas that can be at the center of future research. Therefore, in this study, the strategic diagram has acted as a pathway for discovering and facilitating the understanding of global trends related to the subject under investigation. In this research, all publications on the topic of data governance, information, and scientific diplomacy (1996- 2023) were extracted from the ‘Web of Science Core Collection,’ which is considered the oldest and most authoritative citation database in the world over the past three decades. Using a search strategy, 1367 documents were retrieved. The bibliographic information of the records (authors and countries, article titles, citations, publications, and subjects) was extracted in data blocks and in text format and called up in Microsoft Excel software. The retrieved data has been analyzed and visualized using the specialized scientometric software Biblimetrix R, Microsoft Excel, and Vosviewer.”
Findings: Based on the analyses conducted, publications have experienced a growing trend within the time frame under review. A total of 1,367 articles in this field have been indexed in the core collection database of the scientific website, and 5,166 authors have collaborated with each other. Moreover, data analysis indicates that the countries of the United Kingdom, the United States, China, Canada, and Australia have had the largest share of scientific production in the said domain. Among these, Iran’s share was less than one percent of international scientific outputs, with only four documents. ‘JONES, KH’ has been the most active researcher in scientific production, with the most collaborations occurring between authors holding organizational positions related to the universities of Oxford, the University of Edinburgh, and Swansea University in the UK. The greatest participation in the publication of scientific outputs has been formed between the UK and other countries, and institutions in this country have provided the most financial resources for research in the fields of data governance, information, and science diplomacy to researchers. The keywords ‘data governance’ (309 co-occurrences), ‘science diplomacy’ (135 co-occurrences), and ‘big data’ (87 co-occurrences) were identified as the most frequent. The most frequent conceptual keyword is located in dimension I of the strategic diagram, indicating the maturity of the concepts in this cluster.
Discussion: In this research, a different perspective is presented on two topics: the convergence of scientific diplomacy and data governance. The results obtained offer significant assistance to policymakers for participation, interaction, and role-playing in research affairs. This is because the findings help planners to enhance the status of scientific diplomacy and technology appropriately by planning based on the documented and citable findings presented in this research. The expansion of active, constructive, and inspiring collaboration and interaction in the field of science and technology with other countries and reputable scientific centers is facilitated and improved by the results related to diplomacy discussed in this study. The models and maps of this research demonstrate the increasing growth of scientific activities and the organization of the intellectual and scientific structure that constitutes the subject domain under review. Using scientometric tools, the intellectual structure governing the subject domain of scientific diplomacy and data governance was defined in the form of thematic and conceptual clusters, and the maturity and coherence of each cluster in the strategic diagram indicate the current global trends of studies in the said domain.
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