Document Type : Original Article
Master's student, Department of Business-Technology Management, Electronics Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran.
Assistant Professor, Management Department, Electronics Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Background and purpose: Today, e-commerce has become the cornerstone of the modern economy and has transformed the way businesses operate and consumers buy. In this regard, the use of online shopping platforms has also led to profound changes in various industries. One of the fields of e-commerce that has grown on this platform has been in the form of online food sales. One of the most active platforms in this field is Snapfood, which has facilitated the possibility of ordering food online by providing various services. Therefore, the main goal of this research was to investigate the role of e-commerce on the willingness to buy and the mediating role of social software in Snap Food buyers.
Method: The method of this research is applied, survey and descriptive. In this research, a questionnaire was used to collect data. The validity of these questionnaires has been evaluated and confirmed through construct validity and reliability using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Also, the average test of a community was used to check the status of the research indicators. SPSS22 and Imus 26 software were used in this research. The methods used to analyze statistical data include one-sample t-test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. In addition, in order to check the fit of the research model, structural equation modeling has been used. This section showed that the fit of all investigated indicators is at a favorable level.
Findings: For the indicators of social software, e-commerce and willingness to buy, the value of the test statistic was calculated as 0.25, 0.14 and 0.89, respectively, which is less than the standard of 1.96. . Therefore, it can be stated that the status of these indicators is evaluated at a normal level. In addition, the evaluation of the status of the indicators in terms of the fit of the confirmatory factor model shows that they are in a favorable situation. The correlation coefficient value between e-commerce and social software has been calculated as 0.58. A significant number in this connection is calculated as 7.48, which is higher than the standard of 1.96. Therefore, this relationship is confirmed. In relation to the impact of social software on the willingness to buy, the coefficient of this relationship has been calculated at the level of 0.42. The value of the significance coefficient has also been calculated at the level of 4.25, which shows the significance of this relationship. Finally, in the relationship between e-commerce and the desire to buy, the coefficient of this relationship is at the level of 0.32. A significant number is also calculated at the level of 12.3. This value also shows a significant relationship between these variables. In addition, the examination of the status of the research indicators also shows that all the investigated indicators are evaluated above the average from the point of view of the respondents.
Conclusion: Examining the relationships between research variables showed that e-commerce has a direct effect on the willingness to buy. Also, e-commerce has a direct impact on social software. In addition, social software also has a direct impact on the desire to buy. Also, the results of this study have shown that social software plays a mediating role in the relationship between e-commerce and the desire to buy. Considering the confirmation of the relationship between social software and e-commerce, a practical suggestion can be the creation of a marketing strategy based on social media to promote and sell products or services. There are several ideas for implementing this strategy, and the most important of them are He pointed to targeted advertising in social networks, content marketing, incentive programs and discounts, direct communication with customers, and online competitions and events. In addition, according to the research that there is a positive relationship between e-commerce and the desire to buy, digital marketing strategies and online advertising can be used in this section. Also, providing an easy and safe shopping experience and offering discounts and rewards can also be efficient.
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