Presenting a green supply chain deployment model focusing on the new technologies of the fourth industrial revolution

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Student Ph.D. Azad University- Branch of Sciences and Research, Tehran, IRAN

2 Departments of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, University of Qom, Qom, IRAN.

3 Department of Industrial Management, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran.


The fourth industrial revolution, also called Industry 4.0, is currently a growing research topic (Chen et al., 2014). The technologies involved in Industry 4.0, by transforming analog and centralized workflows into digital and decentralized production processes, create a structural change in the entire production systems. These advancing technologies have a high capacity to significantly increase production efficiency. For example, according to a McKinsey report, switching to automated manufacturing 4.0 from conventional manufacturing can improve productivity by 45 to 55 percent. Industry 4.0 benefits the manufacturing sector in three different ways: the first is vertical integration, the second is horizontal integration, and the third is end-to-end engineering (Liao et al., 2017). Also, the issue of the environment and its maintenance has been one of the most important challenges in the last few decades. Almost all industries have accepted the issue of environmental protection and maintenance. Most manufacturing organizations continue their activities with the aim of eliminating the waste generated in the production process and disposing of their waste materials in a degradable way (Charafi et al., 2017). Undoubtedly, the impact of production organizations on the environment has been a great concern, which has finally led to requests and attention to sustainable practices to meet environmental, economic and social needs (Hossein et al., 2018). In fact, all organizations are required to strive for the compatibility of their organization's performance, including economic, social and environmental performance (Ziyad et al., 2018). The current research tries to analyze the relationship between new digital technologies in improving performance or reducing the challenges of implementing green supply chain management. The results in the main themes showed that the product is the most important main theme and then the role of supplier management, product recycling, intra-organizational benefits and environmental index were the next most important. In terms of the implementation method, the current study has a mixed nature in which quantitative and qualitative methods are used together. So that by distributing and collecting the questionnaires, it is done to examine and analyze the data in order to interpret the findings related to each of the research questions. The statistical population of this research includes two parts. The first part consists of experts familiar with the concepts of green supply chain, new technologies of the fourth industrial revolution. Considering that the modeling approach used in this research is of a prescriptive type due to the lack of successful examples, the community related to the qualitative phase includes experts and specialists related to the subject of the research, who will be extracted in line with Awa while referring to them. The participants in the qualitative phase of this research were selected from among the university faculty members and steel industry experts. In order to reach the final model of establishing the green supply chain, focusing on the new technologies of the fourth industrial revolution, the first codes were extracted through interviews with experts in this field and coding in thematic analysis in three stages of primary coding, sub-theme and main theme. Then, during the main theme, the process of linking the categories with their sub-categories and linking the categories at the level of features and dimensions took place, and this model includes 12 main themes of human resources, economic factors, social factors, strategic activity of the company, intra-organizational benefits. , types of external pressures, the role of organizational interaction, product recycling, the role of supplier management, quality index, technology index and environmental index and 36 sub-themes that include empowerment and teamwork, human resource development, employee participation, green human resource management, index Finance, resource investment, social responsibility, human capital development, consumer behavior, cooperation, strategy characteristics, environmental indicators, performance evaluation system, cooperation, innovation, reputation enhancement, improved productivity, cost savings, environmental laws. , social responsibility, environmental concerns, global competitive markets, government regulations, intra-organizational interactions, inter-organizational partnership, inter-organizational communication, identifying the model of inter-organizational cooperation, pricing strategy and collection of used products, life cycle management, waste management Metal was based on the Internet of Things, closed loop supply chain, product recycling infrastructure, characteristics of recyclable products, sustainability, transparency in performance, use of by-products, wide visibility, green supplier selection. The variable of economic factors and all kinds of external pressures are exogenous and independent variables that are removed from them and only affect other variables. The intra-organizational benefits variable is also a dependent variable, in fact, the intra-organizational benefits variable is only affected by other variables. Mediated relationships were also found for some variables.


Main Subjects