Analysis and Visualization of the World's Scientific Works in the Field of Digital Businesses

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, University of Qom, Qom, Iran

2 Master's degree, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Qom University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, Qom, Iran

3 Master's degree, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, University of Qom, Qom, Iran.


Purpose: The article analyzed and illustrated scientific works in the field of digital business in the WOS citation database based on scientometrics indicators.
Method: The study employed a quantitative approach to examine scientific works in the field of digital business published between 1985 and 2022 in the Web of Science (WOS). Using scientific indicators such as co-word analysis and network analysis, the results of a subject search conducted in the advanced search section of the Web of Science (WOS) were initially saved in .xlsx format to eliminate unrelated items and overlaps. The search was then performed again, disabling unrelated results and overlaps. The refined search results were exported from WOS and saved in plain text format using Bibexcel to ensure uniformity. UciNet and VOSviewer were utilized to create scientific maps and assess density. The statistical population consists of 1,076 articles.
Findings: Over the past 37 years, from 1985 to 2005, the production of scientific works remained below five. A significant increase in the production of scientific works occurred in 2007, with a total of 42 works produced. The trend in scientific publications has been steadily increasing. The highest number of works was published in 2022, with a total of 182 publications. This was followed by 2021, which saw the publication of 165 works, 2020 with 136 works, and 2019 with 126 works. These years were among the most productive for publishing scientific research in the field of digital business. Therefore, it was concluded that the field of digital business has gained significant importance globally. The results of the survey on the most prevalent topics within digital business indicated
that researchers in business economics, computer science, engineering, information science, and telecommunications have devoted considerable attention to this area. By examining the scientific map of digital business, it was determined that it consists of five clusters. The first cluster contains 27 keywords, the second cluster has 20 keywords, the third cluster includes 17 keywords, the fourth cluster comprises 16 keywords, and the fifth cluster contains 13 keywords. In total, these clusters encompass 93 key topics in the field of digital business. Therefore, the scientific landscape of digital business exhibits strong subject coherence and visibility, while the structure of the co-word network in this field demonstrates significant continuity.
Conclusion: Based on the density map of digital business topics created using VOSviewer. The result indicated that "innovation" is a prominent research topic in this field. Additionally, the subjects of "digital transformation, "digital business, and "digitalization" have emerged as core areas of focus in the realm of digital business research. Other subjects related to performance include business models, information technology, digital business strategy, big data, digital business models, and the digital business ecosystem. These topics were identified as central themes in the scientific landscape of digital business. Consequently, the resulting density map effectively highlights the key research areas that are prioritized by researchers. The analysis of thematic clusters examined the use of digital technologies, such as the Internet of Things, blockchain, and digital platforms, as essential components of the digital business ecosystem. It emphasized their significant role in the future of
this ecosystem. The strategic diagram derived from the research indicated that the digital business transformation cluster has reached maturity. The e-commerce and Internet of Things clusters are developed but remain distinct. The digital business strategy is situated within the peripheral (growing) clusters, while the digital transformation cluster is located in the central but underdeveloped areas. Therefore, it is concluded that conducting research on these topics is essential. This research offers valuable insights into the process of knowledge production within the realm of digital businesses, benefiting researchers, decision-makers, and industry professionals. By analyzing and illustrating the scientific literature on digital business indexed in the Web of Science (WOS), it became possible to identify the topics that interest digital business scholars, as well as those that have garnered more attention and produced a greater volume of research. This analysis also highlights emerging and expanding areas of interest.


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