Analysis of the role of motivations and organizational culture on the intention to share knowledge in the direction of Online knowledge sharing

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Accounting, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Zohre Sharei Management Group، , Faculty of Management، , Economics and Accounting، , Payame Noor University، Tehran، Iran

3 Management Group، , Faculty of Management، , Economics and Accounting، , Payame Noor University، Tehran، Iran


Objective: The importance of knowledge sharing for an organization cannot be denied. On the other hand, without motivation, it is difficult to expect knowledge sharing behavior. In the era of knowledge-based economy, knowledge has become an important asset of companies. The importance of knowledge sharing among employees is well documented. Knowledge sharing is not only related to improving organizational performance, but also has a positive effect on cooperation among employees, decision-making efficiency, creativity and innovation. All of these are important elements that help an organization excel, especially in today's competitive business environment. Successfully motivating employees to share knowledge can help the organization to increase and maintain its competitive advantage. For this purpose, the purpose of this research is to analyze the role of motivations and organizational culture on the intention to share knowledge in the direction of knowledge sharing.

Methodology: Research is a part of applied research in terms of its purpose. In terms of method, it is included in the category of descriptive-correlational research. The statistical population of this research is 220 employees of Eram Ardakan Tile Company. Using Cochran's formula, a sample size of 140 people was obtained. The questionnaire was designed electronically on the pressline website and its link was provided to the employees through social networks and working groups in these networks. Because the variables of the research could not be examined in the whole organization and could not be related to a specific class of the organization, a simple random sampling method was used for sampling. After distributing the questionnaire, 127 complete questionnaires were returned, which were used as the criteria for analysis. The data collection tool was a standard questionnaire of extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation and the intention to share knowledge (Lin, 2007), knowledge donation and collection questionnaires (Ven Denhof and Van Veenen, 2004) and organizational culture questionnaire (Denison, 2000 and Fay and Denison, 2003) were used. SPSS software version 22 and PLS software version 3 are used to process the statistical data related to the questionnaire.

Findings: Hypotheses were tested by structural equation modeling in PLS software. Bootstrapping test was used to check the mediator effects and the fit of the model was checked. The findings show that intrinsic motivation has a positive and significant effect on the intention to share knowledge online (T<1.96). Also, the intention to share knowledge online has a positive and significant effect on donating and collecting knowledge (T<1.96). The moderating role of extrinsic motivation on the relationship between intrinsic motivation and intention to share knowledge was not significant (T<1.96). Also, organizational culture positively moderates the relationship between intrinsic motivation and intention to share knowledge, not negatively. Finally, the mediating role of knowledge sharing intention on the relationship between intrinsic motivation and knowledge donation and collection was confirmed (T<1.96).

Conclusion: Without motivation, it is difficult to expect to engage in online knowledge sharing behavior. To encourage employees to participate in knowledge sharing, it is important for organizations to understand employee motivation. In other words, when sharing knowledge leads to personal satisfaction of employees, the intention to share knowledge online is facilitated. In Kashi Eram Ardakan company, external incentives such as tangible rewards cannot negatively adjust the relationship between internal motivation and intention to share knowledge. Because intrinsic motivation is difficult to change, organizations often reinforce organizational culture to facilitate online knowledge sharing. It seems that in Kashi Eram company, internal motivations such as employees' self-efficacy and their self-satisfaction increase the intention of sharing knowledge among employees, and in this way, it makes employees more motivated to transfer their knowledge and experiences to colleagues. Have. When employees intend to share knowledge online with intrinsic satisfaction and personal interest, the motivation to collect knowledge increases. When the employees of Kashi Eram Ardakan voluntarily want to share knowledge online, then they can transfer their experiences and knowledge to other employees and hence the knowledge donation will increase.


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