Identifying variables of Information seeking context based on the Framework of Information seeking and Retrieval Interaction Ingwersen & Järvelin with a using phenomenological

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty member

2 librarian expert


Objective:The present study aims to identify the variables of usability and information quality dimensions in the context of information seeking based on the framework of interaction of information seeking and retrieval by Ingwersen & Järvelin. Methology: It is of a developmental type and was conducted using the phenomenological method of Colaizzi (1978) in 7 stages. The data collection tool used in-depth interviews with 7 experts in the field of information and knowledge retrieval, and the validity of the data collection tool is content validity and reliability based on the criteria of Lincoln and Guba (1988) based on credibility, trustworthiness, and verifiability. First, participants were asked to choose the time and place of the interview at their own convenience, and the interview time was between 1:30 and 2 hours. With the participants' permission and with assurance of confidentiality, the interviews were recorded, and then a specific code was used instead of the participants' names throughout the research to maintain the principle of confidentiality in the research. The present study was conducted using the data analysis method based on the seven-step method of Claise: In the first step, each interviewee's response was transcribed and read several times to obtain a general understanding of the participants' experiences and opinions (interviewee responses). In the second step, for each transcript, important sentences and statements related to the phenomenon under study were extracted (primary code). In the third step, the meanings were compiled into important statements (concepts). In the fourth step, the compiled meanings were divided into lists, clusters of topics, and themes (categories). In the fifth step, the research findings were integrated into a comprehensive description of the phenomenon under study (theme). In the sixth step, the basic structure of the phenomenon was described (inference). The seventh stage is the validation of the findings, emphasizing previous results in a systematic manner, and the experiences of the results obtained from the interview, and the identified variables have been added to the research. Findings: The variables of the usability dimension include the use of intelligent super engines, the use of artificial intelligence based on machine learning, creating links between information systems, creating self-regulatory systems, public access to information services, leveling and combining user requests according to cognitive context, separating conceptual, visual and audio search methods, paying attention to legal and information security issues, and also variables of the information quality dimension include retrieval in the context of ontology, and creating and paying attention to the user's sensory-perceptual and semantic systems, using network metadata, and paying attention to the user's mental structure. Conclusion: It is not enough to study information behavior without considering the contexts of information retrieval; and by identifying variables of the information interaction process based on contextual cognition using the criteria and characteristics of the Ingwersen & Järvelin information system and retrieval framework in which information interaction occurs, better results can be achieved in integrating information search and retrieval. Identifying variables of the usability dimension of the information search context will lead to recognizing user needs, achieving user satisfaction at the desired level, retrieving keywords in the text, accessing user cognitive aspects, and determining the cost-benefit ratio in the performance of information systems, increasing satisfaction, efficiency in interaction, and efficiency between the user and the computer. As a result, the development of technology using the identified variables will meet the needs and facilitate activities in the operation of information systems. Identifying the variables of the information quality dimension of the information search context will identify the user's cognitive level, and the greater this recognition, the less time will be spent in retrieving appropriate information, and a network of meanings and concepts will be formed that will become practical and quality information in information systems, and on the other hand, it will lead to comprehensiveness and search efficiency in information retrieval. As a result, improving the quality of information using the identified variables will lead to semantic recognition of the user's search with the contents available in information systems. Therefore, since the user's cultural and cognitive context needs affect human interaction with information, designing tools without paying attention to these components will be ineffective. Also, the use of the above variables in providing appropriate and corresponding solutions in confronting and confronting cognitive complexities is decisive and will lead to the description of the cognitive structures of the Ingwersen & Järvelin information search and retrieval interaction framework and will ultimately help in the design and access of information in a systematic manner.


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