Author = Mortaza Kokabi
An Investigation of the Concept of Artistic Knowledge and its Components: A Domain Review

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 21 October 2023


Narges Khani; Abdolhossein Farajpahlou; Mortaza Kokabi; shahnaz khademizadeh

Understanding the Elements and Specifications of the Creation of Artistic Knowledge in views of the Iranian (visual) Artists

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 10 January 2024


Narges Khani; Abdolhossein Farajpahlou; Mortaza Kokabi; shahnaz khademizadeh


Volume 3, Issue 4, March 2018, Pages 1-3


Morteza Kokabi

Personal Information Management: An Essay on its Definitions, Approaches and Background

Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2016, Pages 5-48


Morteza Kokabi; Ayda Mojaver; Gholam Reza Heydari; Mohammad Reza Shekari